Professional Liability Insurance
Professional Liability is also known as malpractice coverage or errors and omissions (E&O) coverage, covers liability for damages arising from the rendering of or failure to render professional services.
It protects you and your company in the event a client alleges they have suffered a financial loss as a result of an error or an omission committed by you in the delivery of your professional services. Professional Liability covers your organization, your professionals and/or employees in the course of providing professional services to your clients. Professional Liability insurance pays covered damages and also pays for defense costs.
Companies that perform professional services for others can make be sued over allegations. Read More....
General Liability Insurance
General Liability is one of the core types of commercial insurance and covers liability claims of bodily injury or property.
The coverage offers Premises and Operations Liability which protects your company against liability for conditions or activities arising out of the premises or operations of your company.
Products and completed operations liability which protects your company against liability to a user who is harmed by products manufactured, sold or distributed by the company. Read More....
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
Directors and Officers Liability provides financial protection for the directors and officers of the company in the event they are sued in conjunction with the performance of their duties as they relate to the company. Think of Directors and Officers Insurance as a management Errors and Omissions policy. A company’s directors and officers can be sued over their management decisions by a whole host of constituents.
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance should include Employment Practices Liability and can sometimes include Fiduciary Liability. The former involves harassment and discrimination suits, and is where the majority of your exposure will be. Read More....
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
Today's litigious workplace and the advent of legislation such as the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Family Medical Leave Act have led to a marked increase in employment related claims and lawsuits. As the name implies, Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) provides broad insurance protection from such employment-related claims and lawsuits brought against a company, its managers and employees, and its directors and officers. Read More....
Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation is used to comply with the Workers' Compensation Coverage required by your state law. Under this requirement, an employee can be compensated if he or she is injured while working for you, regardless of your negligence as an employer.
Workers compensation is a schedule of benefits payable to an employee for injury, disability, dismemberment, or death as a result of occupational hazard. The benefits payments are the liability of the employer and workers compensation is a form of insurance that agrees to pay on behalf of the employer those injury benefits required by law. Read More....
Property Insurance
Property Insurance indemnifies a person with an interest in physical property for its loss or the loss of its income-producing ability.Read More...
Excess Liability and Umbrella
Excess Liability and Umbrella Insurance is an additional amount of liability insurance, that is excess over underlying policies such as general liability, professional liability, and employers' liability. An umbrella policy provides additional coverage when the limits of insurance on an underlying policy are exceeded. Read More....