Negley Associates values the opportunity to review your new business submission. Our experienced underwriting staff is here to evaluate your submission and design a comprehensive solution for your insured’s needs.
Below are items required for underwriting:
General & Professional Liability
- Completed Negley GL/PL application
- Most current audited financial statement, tax form, or Profit & Loss Statement (including Balance Sheet)
- Brochure or website address
- 5 years of currently valued loss runs
- 5 years of premium and carrier history
Directors & Officers Liability -
including Employment Practices
- Completed Negley application
- Current list of the Board of Directors
- Copy of By-Laws
- 5 years of currently valued loss runs
- 5 years of premium and carrier history
- Most current audited financial statement, tax form, or Profit & Loss Statement (including Balance Sheet)
- Completed ACORD 125 and 140 applications
- 5 years of currently valued loss runs
- 5 years of premium and carrier history
Workers Compensation
- Completed ACORD 130 application
- Current experience rating worksheet
- 5 years of currently valued loss runs
- 5 years of premium and carrier history
- Supplemental Workers Compensation Application
Submissions may be sent electronically via e-mail to or via fax to 866-865-5655.
Contact our Underwriting Department today with any questions! (800-845-1209)
Payment Address:
Negley Associates
PO Box 664062
Dallas, TX 75266-4062
Overnight Payment Address:
Negley Associates
PO Box 664062
12720 Hillcrest Road #115
Dallas, TX 75230
We encourage you to use our online payment portal. Pay by ACH or Credit Card, and payments post in two business days!
Please note that any payments already sent to the previous addresses will be forwarded for a period of time, but could cause delays in receiving and applying payments. We appreciate your assistance in making this a seamless transition!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Negley Accounting at or call 844-530-0089.